
Pro Stunt Scooter Freestyle Trick Roller W/CNC 6061-T6 Aluminium Gabel 25 "Bar Roller Erwachsene

USD 45.98USD 76.63

Pro Stunt Scooter Freestyle Trick Roller W/CNC 6061-T6 Aluminium Gabel 25 "Bar Roller Erwachsene

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Pro Stunt Scooters Freestyle Trick Scooter w/CNC 6061-T6 Aluminum Fork 25" Bar

6061-T6 ALUMINUM 3D FORK - Heat-treated Aircraft Grade ALUMINUM fork with aluminum triple hollow clamp is more durable and lightweight than normal steel fork. Threadless fully integrated sealed headset and IHC compression system make you get better performance and higher safety.

OVERSIZED CARBON STEEL BAR - (25"H x 25"L) Extra long carbon structural steel handlebar provides higher strength and largest size in the market, which is perfect for age 8+ entry level to intermediate riders. 6.7"(170mm) largest TPE grips for greater comfort and grip. Optimized specifically for pro riders.

LENGTHEN HEAVY DUTY DECK - Thicker 6061-T6 aluminum deck can hold up to 220lbs, which could withstand the gnarliest tricks and any landings. Deck plug will protect the deck well and prevent scratches. And it will reduce the resistance of riding process, which allows you to get faster speed. Deck Size: 20" x 4.4".

SMOOTH DURABLE WHEELS - 110mm wheels with 88A PU surface and 5 spoke aircraft-grade 6061-T6 aluminum wheel core for greater durability ; Super fast ABEC-9 bearings for smooth riding; Mn steel brake for fast and silent decelerate or brake.

COMPLETE PRO SCOOTER FOR SKATEPARK - holds all their components to the highest manufacturing standards. Come with 2 pieces, all you need to do is to tighten the 3-bolts clamp to put it together. The scooter comes already dialed! Allen Wrench in package is for easy assembly.


Albott ST069 Pro Scooter Detailed Specifications

Skill Level: Entry Level to Intermediate

Scooter Weight: 8.7lbs (3.95kg)

Weight Limit: 220lbs (100kg)

Compression: IHC

Wheels: 110mm Split 5 Aluminum Core Wheels with 88A PU Surface

Bearings: Super-fast ABEC-9

Bar: Carbon Steel 25"L x 25"H with 170mm TPE Grips

Clamp: Fully Integrated 6061-T6 Aluminum with 3 Bolts

Deck: 6061-T6 Aluminum 20"Lx4.4"W

Fork: CNC 6061 T6 Aluminum

Brake: Mn Steel Brake

Audience: Scooter for Kids 8 Years and up Teens Adults

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Item Specifics
Brand Unbranded
MPN Does Not Apply

We accept PayPal payment only.


We will ship out the item within 24-48 working hours after receving the payment, excluding weekends and holidays.


If you are not satisfied with the goods, pls contact us as soon as possible, and we accept the returns within 30 days. 

Contact us
1. You will receive our positive rating as soon as we receive your positive rating.
2. If you are dissatisfied with the goods, please contact us first before you give us a case or bad rating. We will do our best to solve your problem and satisfy you.  
6061-T6 ALUMINUM 3D FORK - Heat-treated Aircraft Grade ALUMINUM fork with aluminum triple hollow clamp is more durable and lightweight than normal steel fork. Threadless fully integrated sealed headset and IHC compression system make you get better performance and higher safety. OVERSIZED CARBON STEEL BAR - (25"H x 25"L) Extra long carbon structural steel handlebar provides higher strength and largest size in the market, which is perfect for age 8+ entry level to intermediate riders. 6.7"(170mm) largest TPE grips for greater comfort and grip. Optimized specifically for pro riders. LENGTHEN HEAVY DUTY DECK - Thicker 6061-T6 aluminum deck can hold up to 220lbs, which could withstand the gnarliest tricks and any landings. Deck plug will protect the deck well and prevent scratches. And it will reduce the resistance of riding process, which allows you to get faster speed. Deck Size: 20" x 4.4". SMOOTH DURABLE WHEELS - 110mm wheels with 88A PU surface and 5 spoke aircraft-grade 6061-T6 aluminum wheel core for greater durability ; Super fast ABEC-9 bearings for smooth riding; Mn steel brake for fast and silent decelerate or brake. COMPLETE PRO SCOOTER FOR SKATEPARK - holds all their components to the highest manufacturing standards. Come with 2 pieces, all you need to do is to tighten the 3-bolts clamp to put it together. The scooter comes already dialed! Allen Wrench in package is for easy assembly.   Albott ST069 Pro Scooter Detailed Specifications Skill Level: Entry Level to Intermediate Scooter Weight: 8.7lbs (3.95kg) Weight Limit: 220lbs (100kg) Compression: IHC Wheels: 110mm Split 5 Aluminum Core Wheels with 88A PU Surface Bearings: Super-fast ABEC-9 Bar: Carbon Steel 25"L x 25"H with 170mm TPE Grips Clamp: Fully Integrated 6061-T6 Aluminum with 3 Bolts Deck: 6061-T6 Aluminum 20"Lx4.4"W Fork: CNC 6061 T6 Aluminum Brake: Mn Steel Brake Audience: Scooter for Kids 8 Years and up Teens Adults .product_photo_need_hide div img{margin-top: 2px;} #desc_html{width:initial;} #soldtab main { width: 810px; margin: 0 auto; } #soldtab section { background-color: #ffffff; width: 786px; padding: 10px; display: none; overflow: hidden; } #soldtab input { display: none; } #soldtab label { display: inline-block; text-align: center; background: #aad4ff; color: #ffffff; font-family: Arial; font-size: 16px; padding: 7px 7px; -moz-user-select: none; user-select: none; border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-top-right-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-radius: 0px; border-bottom-left-radius: 0px; } #soldtab label:not(:last-child) { margin-right: 2px; } #soldtab label:hover { color: #888; cursor: pointer; background: #005fbf; } #soldtab input:checked + label { background: #005fbf; } #tabHeader_1:checked ~ #policy_box1_text, #tabHeader_2:checked ~ #policy_box2_text, #tabHeader_3:checked ~ #policy_box3_text, #tabHeader_4:checked ~ #policy_box4_text, #tabHeader_5:checked ~ #policy_box5_text { display: block; } .sold_tab label { width: 185px; }

Anwendbare Leute : Jugendliche

Ursprung : CN (Herkunft)

Art : Flachplatte
